Monday 7 November 2016

It's a secret - apparently - this not to be missed cat book!

Outnumbered by Cats: Yes that's me, cats are great stress relief - when they're not causing the stress that is..

It's a secret - apparently - this not to be missed cat book!

Outnumbered by cats is a must for any cat lover, and dare I say it, an ideal Christmas present for the cat lover in your life. It's out there, but it's hiding in the shadows, much like a cat might... it's listed in all the usual places, but with an added 'unavailable' on one of the biggest book sellers... and can be ordered from our supplier on another. Well, I am the supplier and would love to send copies out, I'll even sign them for you.

I have a short initial print run of just 100 books, and each book will be signed and numbered, you never know they might even become valuable one day. But the real reason for the short print run was that this book was a bit of self indulgence, and when I tried to edit down the photos, I found that I really didn't want to, I wanted to produce a beautiful book with colour photos.  

It's a true story, where I've shared, at times more than I probably should have shared with the world. It's quite normal to hiss back at your cat right? ...given the right situation... 


Tuesday 28 June 2016

Outnumbered by Cats

A unique opportunity to disappear into a world full of cats and kittens, without actually filling your own house, or depriving yourself of sleep...


Throw away the rule book and see how one new mum coped with her kittens in a mixture of instinct and learning on the job, and how she shared this unique experience with the humans around her, in a way that was unexpected and wonderful. Not everyone has been ‘asked’ by their cat to join a search party in the middle of the night for 2 missing kittens...

Share the heartache of one little kitten who was different from the rest, and destined to challenge and inspire us in ways we couldn’t have imagined...


You can buy one of only 100 books printed in the first edition, first print run, all of which are numbered and signed.

...did I mention lots of colour kitten phots...?

So I have the books, I have the website, I just need to get the word out.



Monday 25 April 2016

Not everything goes to plan when you're outnumbered by cats

Having a litter of kittens born in your bedroom in the middle of the night probably isn't for everyone... nor is sharing your bedroom with growing kittens as they experiment with being nocturnal, and I'm not sure everyone would take kindly to being hissed at by a mother cat for telling off one of her kittens... 
But not everything goes to plan when you're outnumbered by cats! 

Monday 27 July 2015

Open the door

from Basil and the Flappy Thing
It's raining - OPEN THE DOOR!

Cats are very independent, and yet even when they have their own door, they'd rather knock and wait at the big door... maybe they just like to make an entrance,,,

Friday 26 June 2015

Outnumbered by kittens...

Mitzi and her litter of kittens, all safely in their birthing box. Back at the stage when Mitzi did all the work, and I could just look on - all that changed when they escaped the box...

For a cat who had carried all sorts of random things around from an early age, it was surprising that Mitzi never carried her kittens anywhere - but given that there were 5 kittens in the litter, the method she used to gather them together was a far more practical solution... read the book

...and where do you think you're going?
But Mum...

Friday 29 May 2015

Cats and boxes

Outnumbered by Cats: the book that emerged from kitten diaries with chewed edges, written as kittens climbed over me, when trying to work on the computer was not really an option...


Boxes seem to be a big feature in a house full of cats - no box can be discarded until every last scrap of play value has been ripped out of it.
I now have a stack of boxes forming the kitchen island I never wanted...

 I'm not sure if he's king of his castle or an engine driver... 

 ...and I don't think this box is quite big enough.